
In many religious persuasions words all have the power to shape our lives in one way or another. I would not make a positive confession as the ends of faith. Faith without works is dead. It is not the means to an end. A persuasion that just leads into a positive confession without the entirety of who you are as a person following can lead into deep self delusion, and even narcissism.

Speaking the Word of God is fine, but it is never access within itself. You can name it and claim it until you step into eternity and never obtain it.

The point is, your life has to be in line with the Word of God in order to obtain His blessing. Not all doors are unlocked! Some doors have keys and you need to place the key in the key hole and turn the door knob.

Christ requires that you live and abide in Him. Living and abiding in Christ is the door into the Spirit. In Him you live and move and have your being. When you step outside of Him you are not automatically qualified to be blessed. It does not matter how good your confession is, if you are living like a devil with a positive confession you simply might have a lying spirit that has attached itself to you, did you ever think of that?

If you believe something and God has supplied the faith for you, the entirety of your life will react in obedience to it. When real faith is moving in you, you can pray and God will bring it to pass. Unfortunately in the day we live in people have the hardest time between faith and presumption. Discerning between God and being entangled with emotions is becoming harder for people to distinguish.

God examines our words but He also examines your life. Many have a long way to go before knowing what true faith and real speaking really means and how it impacts the environment around us. Do not be under a spell that tells you that you are blessed because you have connections and speaking engagements along with the ability to raise up big offerings. That is not even Raven faith, that is good technique. God won’t judge technique, but He will examine all your idle words as well as the deeds done in the body.

Ponder on these….

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